
An Album for the Carillon

in   Two Volumes
Hymn Tunes, Folk Songs
& Ceremonial Music, Settings & Arrangements
For Carillonneurs, Keyboard Players, Harpists &  Music Lovers
For Beverly Buchanan, Carillonneur, Christ Church Cranbrook  (1964-1988)
And in memory of  Thomas More Storke  (1876-1971)
[Carillon Donor, University of California, Santa Barbara]

Complimentary PDF booklet file postings are highlighted below,
available for download, printing and performance.
Please note that the
.WAV files are automated playback tracks,
and that they display minimal expressive or interpretive effects.

 Volume 1  
( 39  pages of music )       

Table of Contents

Three Verses on
(3 pages)  paired with National Hymn and The Star-Spangled Banner
Quodlibet & Aria
    Brother James Air, Mit Freuden Zart, & St. James  (5 pages)
Three Verses
(“Morning has broken”) 
(2 pages)
    click for    PDF Score    and for 30 MB   .wav Audio    (Auto-playback Garritan Harp) 
Hymn, Toccatina & Variation
          Deus Tuorum Militum
 (4 pages)

Reflections & Prayer
[J. Sibelius]  (3 pages)
        Forty Years On” (The Harrow School Song)
(3 pages)
        “Gaudeamus  Igitur” 
(4 pages)
                 For the three selections above, please visit: 
   Gloria Air & Fugato on  Personent Hodie, in Rondo (5 pages)
              click for
   PDF Score              
Four Variations
(6  pages)  
               click for →
  PDF Score    and for   50 MB   .wavAudio    (Auto-playback Garritan Harp)
Three Verses  on
(3 pages)

Volume 2   
( 39  pages of music )       

Table of Contents

Three Verses on
  [C.H.H. Parry]  
(3 pages)  Please visit:  FMPACranbrookMusicAlbum
Four Verses on
          Land of Rest  
(3 pages)
              click for →     PDF Score 
                                                             click for →     .wavAudio    (Auto-playback Garritan Harp)
An Arrangement of
[G.F. Handel, Xerxes]  (2 pages)
Sonata on
        Marion & The Ash Grove 
(5 pages)
             click for →   PDF Score        (available February 2023)

Two Verses on
          National Hymn  
(2  pages)  paired with America and The Star-Spangled Banner
Reverie on
          From The New World 
[A. Dvorak]  (3 pages)
Three Verses
          Pomp and Circumstance  
[E. Elgar]  (4 pages)
                   For the three selections listed above, please visit:

Chorale Prelude
    Rosa Mystica  (3 pages)
Chorale Prelude on
          Rosa Mystica  
(3  pages)     [Simplified Pedal Line]
Fanfare on
          Saint Anne 
(3 pages)
Three Verses on
         Simple Gifts
(4 pages)
              click for → 
 PDF Score    and for  
30 MB   .wavAudio    (Auto-playback Garritan Harp.
Hymn on The National Anthem

          The Star-Spangled Banner 
(3 pages) paired with America and National Anthem


         An Album for the Carillon  includes settings of some familiar and some not-so-familiar hymn tunes and traditional songs, along with transcriptions of five exerpts from the classics (Elgar, Dvorak, Handel, Parry, and Sibelius). This new publication includes all of the contents of the loose-leaf edition dating from 2003, augmented by several settings of varied nature.

        Many of the scores in this collection were prepared for Cranbrook-Kingswood Schools' graduation ceremonies at Christ Church Cranbrook in 2000, while numerous others have been added to encompass Christmas and other celebrated holidays, occasions and seasons. Three settings that originally appeared as A Jamesian Suite have found their way into An Album for the Carillon; they set six different hymn tunes in varied styles and are starred in the Table of Contents. Some movements in the album are more extended than others and offer greater technical challenges, notably the Variations on Greensleeves, Quodlibet and Aria on Brother James’ Air, Mit Freuden Zart and St. James, and the Sonata on Marion and The Ashgrove. The three verses on Deus tuorum militum and the New World Reverie are the two most recent additions, prepared for this new edition. In many cases, individual component sections from some of the larger settings can easily be extracted from their context in order to meet individualized performance needs and time limitations.

 In some instances, lower bass pedal notes and bells available only on larger carillons have been included, with their alternative octave pitches for standard instruments notated in parentheses. Tempo markings are of a  general nature and will allow great adaptability from one performance and instrument to another. Please note that whenever a grace note appears, it is intended – more often than not – to be sounded on the main beat to which it is attached; when used in conjunction with a vertical wavy arpeggiation line, the grace note pitch should lead the arpeggiation or tremolando; the performer will ultimately determine the most appropriate choice from one instance to another between open-handed rolled chords and alternating fist keyboard arpeggiations.